Why Should I Hire A Lawyer To File An Appeal For VA Disability?

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As a veteran suffering from a service-related injury or illness, you already have a lot to handle. You should devote your time to healing and recovering, not spend your days stressed over the legal minutiae of fighting the VA to get your full disability benefits.

Our legal team knows that your time is valuable, and we will be there to make getting VA disability as simple as possible. We will also stand by your side for the full emotional support you need during this challenging time. Our veterans’ lawyer has been where you are now, and he understands your unique needs as a disabled veteran. Call us today to see how we can help you.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer?

Many veterans ponder the necessity of engaging a VA disability attorney, considering the availability of free application processes for benefits. The simple truth lies in the value received for the service paid. Similar to the overwhelmed state of the VA benefits system, many free services for veterans are inundated and under-resourced, leading to a compromise in individualized attention due to their focus on serving a high volume of clients daily.

Choosing an accredited VA disability attorney, however, changes the narrative entirely. This decision places you in direct communication with a professional dedicated to serving your specific needs. You’re afforded the luxury of time to thoroughly discuss your challenges, have all your inquiries addressed, and ensure your application is expedited. Direct access to your case handler eliminates the repetitive cycle of recounting your experiences to different claims officers, streamlining the process significantly. Furthermore, applications are perceived and processed differently by both the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) when a claimant is represented by legal counsel, often to the claimant’s benefit.

Can An Attorney Maximize My VA Benefits?

Hiring a lawyer can help by ensuring you get the full benefits possible from your case. Your lawyer can help gather evidence of your medical condition to get you an accurate disability rating. Since you’ll get paid according to the severity of your diagnosis, it’s important that the VA knows how severely you are affected by your injury or illness.

A skilled VA lawyer can quickly spot errors in any rejections from the VA and address those issues thoroughly when making an appeal. With this depth of knowledge, you’ll have a greater chance of having a positive outcome in your case.

Will An Attorney Make Navigating The VA Claims Process Easier?

Another way your lawyer will be an asset in seeking VA disability is by simplifying the process for you. Appealing the VA’s wrongful denial of your claim can be extremely complex, depending on the nature of your case. There are several paths you could take to get your claim approved, and a mistake can cost you months of extra time or even prevent you from reaching your benefits.

With a knowledgeable lawyer on your side, you’ll benefit from that experience by having the correct forms, documentation, character witnesses, exams, and anything else you may need in proper order. A lawyer can ensure your case is presented in the strongest way possible, so you get the payment you deserve.

How Can A Lawyer Support Me In Seeking VA Disability?

Finally, you need someone on your side to support you through this challenging process. When you hire a VA lawyer, you’ll also gain their insight and support as someone who has been through this situation before. Your lawyer’s experience can give you the emotional strength you need to push on even when things get tough. This is crucial when working with the VA because the process can sometimes be lengthy and frustrating. When you feel like giving up, your lawyer can bolster your confidence and help you carry on until you are given the benefits you deserve because of the injury you sustained during your military service.

Please let us help you when you are seeking VA disability. Our veterans’ lawyer knows what you’re going through, and he has helped countless other military men and women get the disability benefits they need. Call us today at (612) 888-9567.


When Should I Consider Hiring a Lawyer for My VA Disability Appeal?

A: Ideally, you should consider hiring a lawyer as soon as you receive a denial or an unsatisfactorily low disability rating from the VA. Attorneys specialized in VA disability cases can also be helpful if you’re initially applying for benefits and want to ensure your application is as strong as possible.

Can a Lawyer Really Make a Difference in the Outcome of My Appeal?

A: Yes, a lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your appeal. They can identify and correct errors in your initial application, gather and present compelling evidence, and argue your case effectively, increasing your chances of receiving a favorable decision.

What Information Should I Provide to My VA Disability Lawyer?

A: You should provide your lawyer with as much information as possible about your military service, medical history, and how your condition affects your daily life. This includes service records, medical records, and any correspondence you’ve had with the VA regarding your disability claim.

How Long Does the VA Disability Appeal Process Take?

A: The length of the appeals process can vary widely depending on the complexity of your case and the VA’s backlog. While having a lawyer can sometimes expedite the process by ensuring everything is submitted correctly and efficiently, be prepared for it to take several months to over a year. Your attorney should be able to give you a more specific timeline based on their experience.

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